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- Marion County TN CourtHouse
Marion County TN CourtHouse
Court Type: | Circuit Court |
State: | TN |
County: | Marion |
Street Address: | 5 Oak Ave. |
City: | Jasper |
Zip Code: | 37347 |
Phone: | 423-942-2134 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 4:00PM |
Website URL: | https://marioncountytn.net/services |
Judge: | Hon. Thomas W. Graham |
Judge Phone: | 423-942-3618 |
Clerk: | Lonna D. Henderson |
Clerk Phone: | 423-942-2134 |
Clerk Email: | lhenderson@marioncountytn.net |
Directions: | Marion County is located in the state of Tennessee, about 25 miles from the city of Chattanooga and about 100 miles from Nashville. |
Forms & Filing: | https://www.tncourts.gov/administration/judicial-resources/forms-documents/court-forms |
Languages: | English |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marion-County-Courthouse/133844840012921 |
Twitter: | https://twitter.com/TNCourts?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor |
ADA: | Paige Mashburn, Clerk & Master |
ADA Phone: | 423-942-2601 |
ADA Fax / Email: | mcclerkandmaster@gmail.com |
About / Additional Info: | Circuit Court administers divorces, child support, adoptions, worker's compensation, damages auto and non-auto, foreign judgement, breach of contract, wrongful death, malpractice, condemnation, contempt, name change, minor settlements, forfeitures, hospital liens, legitimation and appeals to the court of appeals. Circuit court is also responsible for managing jurors for Grand Jury and jury trials. |
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