Court Type: | Supreme Court |
State: | TN |
County: | Davidson |
Street Address: | 401 7th Ave. North |
City: | Nashville |
Zip Code: | 37219 |
Phone: | 615-253-1470 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 4:30PM |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Jeffrey S. Bivins |
Judge Phone: | 615-532-7945 |
Judge Fax / Email: | |
Clerk: | James Hivner |
Parking: | Free self-parking available from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. |
Public Transportation: | These Bus lines stop near Tennessee Supreme Court: 17, 5, 87, 94, 96. |
Languages: | English |
Facebook: | |
Twitter: | |
Linkedin: | |
ADA: | ADA Coordinator |
ADA Phone: | 615-741-2687 |
ADA Fax / Email: | |
About / Additional Info: | The Tennessee Supreme Court is the state’s court of last resort. The five Supreme Court justices may accept appeals of civil and criminal cases from lower state courts. They also interpret the laws and constitutions of Tennessee and the United States. The Supreme Court may assume jurisdiction over undecided cases in the Court of Appeals or Court of Criminal Appeals when there is special need for an expedited decision. |
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