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- Madison County TN CourtHouse
Madison County TN CourtHouse
Court Type: | Circuit Court |
State: | TN |
County: | Madison |
Street Address: | 515 S. Liberty St. |
City: | Jackson |
Zip Code: | 38301 |
Phone: | 731-423-6035 |
Fax: | 731-988-3007 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 4:00PM |
Website URL: | https://www.madisoncountytn.gov/78/Circuit-Court |
Judge: | Hon. Roy B. Morgan, Jr. |
Judge Phone: | 731-423-6039 |
Judge Fax / Email: | |
Clerk: | Kathy Blount |
Clerk Phone: | 731-423-6035 |
Clerk Fax: | 731-988-3007 |
Clerk Email: | Kathy.Blount@tncourts.gov |
Parking: | There is short term parking around the Courthouse. |
Directions: | Circuit Court Clerk's Office is located on the second floor of the Criminal Justice Complex at 515 S. Liberty, Jackson, TN 38301:
From Interstate 40 take Exit 80A,
Go 5 miles, to the 6th red light,
Turn right onto Hwy 45 South,
Go the the first street on the right, South Liberty,
Criminal Justice Complex Bldg. is the only building on that street to the right. |
Forms & Filing: | https://www.madisoncountytn.gov/277/Circuit-Court-Forms |
Dockets / Schedule / Calendar: | https://www.madisoncountytn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/4045/CRIMINAL_Schedule_2021?bidId= |
Jury Service: | https://www.madisoncountytn.gov/388/Jury-Information |
Languages: | English |
Twitter: | https://twitter.com/TNCourts?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor |
Linkedin: | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathy-blount-a0328096/ |
ADA: | Tom Rudder, Captain |
ADA Phone: | 731-988-3070 |
ADA Fax / Email: | trddr@msn.com |
About / Additional Info: | Circuit Court is a court of record. The Circuit Court Clerk’s office is responsible for:
Maintaining and accurately keeping all records and minutes of the Court. This includes:
Misdemeanor and felony criminal cases and civil cases over $25,000, Post-convictions, Condemnations, Hospital liens, Garnishments, Executions, Name changes, Restoration of citizenship, Foreign judgments, Keeping records on the criminal and civil jurors for each of the three divisions, Filing a Grand Jury report each month and processes the paperwork for each defendant, Preparing and transferring all records for cases on appeal to a higher court and
Collecting, receipting, and accounting for all fines, court cost, and restitution. |
Wikipedia: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison_County_Courthouse_(Tennessee) |
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