Henderson County TN CourtHouse
Court Type: | Circuit Court |
State: | TN |
County: | Henderson |
Street Address: | 170 Justice Center Dr. |
City: | Lexington |
Zip Code: | 38351 |
Phone: | 731-968-2031 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 4:30PM |
Website URL: | https://www.hendersoncountytn.gov/en-US/circuit-clerk-general-sessions-court-bf44d3c8 |
Judge: | Hon. Steven W. Maroney |
Judge Phone: | 731-423-6072 |
Clerk: | Beverly Joyce Dunaway |
Clerk Phone: | 731-968-2031 |
Clerk Email: | bjdunaway60@yahoo.com |
Directions: | From Nashville, take I-40 west. Take exit 108, turn left onto Hwy 22 South (towards Lexington). Go approximately 6 miles. Look for a VOLVO PENTA sign on the left. Turn left by the sign, and follow the signs to the Criminal Justice Complex. From Memphis, take I-40 east. Take exit 108, turn right onto Hwy 22 South (towards Lexington). Go approximately 6 miles. Look for a VOLVO PENTA sign on the left. Turn left by the sign, and follow the signs to the Criminal Justice Complex. |
Forms & Filing: | https://www.tncourts.gov/administration/judicial-resources/forms-documents/court-forms |
Languages: | English |
Twitter: | https://twitter.com/TNCourts?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor |
Linkedin: | https://www.linkedin.com/in/beverly-dunaway-7b600095/ |
ADA: | Beverly Cagle, Deputy Director of Finance |
ADA Phone: | 731-968-5550 |
ADA Fax / Email: | bevcagle@aeneas.net |